Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Late Night Hugs

Saying goodbye to friends is one of the worst things to do...

Especially when you do it prematurely :( I felt pretty bad about what I had said :| I had been a Jerk and my comments were uncalled for :( So i decided to get out of my comfort zone and prove myself to her...To show that I was truly sorry and that I do care for her :)

But why I would want to walk to her house at night :\

It was a cold night :| Dark grey skies, threatening to unleash it's contents above me as I made my way to her house...

Could I be more stupid? Not knowing exactly where i was going...Barely being able to see at some streets...thinking i would be attacked by wild animals or beaten down by a couple of Drunken Aboriginals...But i was determined to get there.

Walking through the backstreet's I walked the length of Albert St... completely destroying my newly washed Rabens...My feet where drenched and muddy and i hadn't even got 1/4 of the way...

After passing through the muddy track that was Albert St...i was finally on the road...running i made my way as fast as i could to her house...It was too dark to read some signs so i relied on my memory and instinct to get there :|

It was a long and lonely time...my head was full of thoughts swirling through my mind, what would i say to her? what should i do when i get there? how do i explain to her grandparents why i was there?

Realising where i was after i had passed familiar streets...I approached her house...A feeling of accomplishment washed over me :)

I approached the front door and immediately her dogs started barking at me but subsequently stopped after they realised who I was...I entered the gate... through the front door where I was greeted by Helen...after briefly explaining why I was there she told me where she was...

I sent her a txt saying 'look behind you'... a little creepy I know, not sure if she actually got it before I approached the room...I stood at the her bedroom door...waiting for her to notice me...

I was perspiring profusely...maybe I should've slowed my pace before i got to her house soI wouldn't have been as sweaty...but I couldn't wait...

I gave her a late night hug...She knew I was coming...I was sorry for what I had said and the only way to make up was this...I couldn't just leave it till the next day because it was convenient for me...

We briefly talked before my Dad called me asking where i had gone...i told him the truth...well some of it at least...Giving her another prolonged hug...i said goodbye and left...

As I left her house I felt lighter and more relaxed...it was even darker on my way back...unfortunately for me the return journey was all up hill :( but i'd do it again...without a second thought

and that's my...life as it happens


  1. I can't believe you really did that, you did not have to do that Anth
    but thanks, that means alot. that youd go to the trouble to make sure everything was ok..
    just dont do it again, ok? i feel mega guilty
    Anyway, it's not a goodbye, not yet at least.. so dont jump the gun, ok?
    Goodnight Anthony..

  2. Yeh I know i didn't have to do it...And i'm not sure if i can promise that i won't do it again...

    but maybe next time i won't go before it's just about to rain...go through puddles and the back streets...

    I know it wasn't a goodbye but it's the way i felt inside...

    good night Jess xx...

  3. anthony has a massive scrotum...
